Home » Comprehensive Review of FINALLY: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

Comprehensive Review of FINALLY: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • FINALLY makes it easy to find someone who shares your interests.
  • FINALLY allows you to connect with people from all over the world.
  • FINALLY has a great user interface that makes it easy to use.
  • FINALLY offers a variety of features to help you find the perfect match.
  • FINALLY provides a safe and secure environment for online dating.
  • Not many users on the app yet
  • Limited features compared to other dating apps
  • Can be difficult to find compatible matches

Are you tired of swiping left and right on dating apps with no luck? Looking for something that will actually help you find your perfect match? Well, FINALLY might be the answer! This app promises to revolutionize the way we date by connecting users with potential matches based on their interests and values. But does it really deliver? Read on to find out!


Well, FINALLY is like the crème de la crème of dating apps! It’s a cut above the rest and stands out from the crowd. The interface is sleek and easy to use, and the matchmaking process is top-notch. Plus, you can be sure that all the profiles are real and verified. So if you’re looking for a reliable dating app that will help you find your perfect match, look no further than FINALLY!

How Does FINALLY Work?

FINALLY is a dating app that makes it easier to find meaningful connections. It offers an intuitive, modern way to meet potential partners without the hassle of traditional online dating sites. The app uses a unique algorithm to match users based on their interests and lifestyle. This helps to ensure that users are matched with people who have similar values and interests.

The app also provides a safe and secure environment for users to connect. All profiles are verified and checked by FINALLY’s team before they can be used. This ensures that users are only connecting with real people.

FINALLY has several features that make it stand out from other dating apps. One of these is its “Icebreaker” feature. This allows users to send a message to another user with a single tap. The message will appear as a notification on the recipient’s phone, allowing them to start a conversation quickly and easily.

Another great feature of FINALLY is its “Date Planner”. This allows users to plan dates with potential matches in advance. They can select a date, time, and location, and the app will automatically create a plan for the date. This eliminates the need for back-and-forth messages and helps users get to know each other better before meeting in person.

Overall, FINALLY is a great option for those looking for a more efficient and secure way to find meaningful connections. With its intuitive interface, advanced matching algorithm, and helpful features, FINALLY makes it easy to find the perfect match.

FINALLY features

FINALLY is a platform that offers both free and paid features. The free version allows users to create a profile, browse other profiles, send likes, and receive messages from other users. Paid subscribers have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, the ability to view who has liked their profile, and the option to hide their profile from other users. FINALLY also offers unique features such as the “Questions” feature, which allows users to answer questions posed by other users in order to start conversations.

The pricing for FINALLY depends on the length of subscription chosen. Subscriptions are available in 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month increments. Prices range from $9.99 per month for a 1-month subscription to $5.83 per month for a 12-month subscription. FINALLY also offers a 7-day trial period for those interested in testing out the platform before committing to a longer subscription.

In addition to the standard subscription options, FINALLY also offers two premium subscription plans: the Gold Plan and the Platinum Plan. The Gold Plan includes all the features of the standard subscription, plus the ability to view who has visited your profile, the ability to boost your profile to the top of the search results, and the ability to see who has read your messages. The Platinum Plan includes all the features of the Gold Plan, plus the ability to initiate conversations with any user on the platform and the ability to see who has added you to their favorites list. Both premium plans are available in 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month increments, with prices ranging from $14.99 per month for a 1-month subscription to $7.50 per month for a 12-month subscription.

Overall, FINALLY offers a variety of subscription options and features to suit different needs and budgets. With its unique “Questions” feature, advanced search filters, and premium subscription plans, FINALLY provides users with an easy and convenient way to find potential matches.

  • Verified profiles: FINALLY verifies each user’s identity to ensure safety and trust.
  • Private messaging: Users can communicate securely and privately with other users.
  • Photo sharing: Users can share photos with other users in a secure environment.
  • Location-based matching: FINALLY uses location-based technology to match users who are nearby.
  • Compatibility quizzes: FINALLY offers compatibility quizzes to help users find compatible matches.


FINALLY is a dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners in their area. It is available for both iOS and Android devices. The app has several features such as the ability to view profiles, send messages, and set up dates.

At this time, FINALLY does not have a website version. This may be due to the fact that the app is designed to be used on mobile devices and the developers may not feel the need to create a website version. Additionally, creating a website version would require additional resources which could be better spent on improving the app itself.

However, there are some advantages to having a website version of FINALLY. For example, it would allow users to access the app from any device with an internet connection, including computers and tablets. Additionally, it could provide more detailed information about the app and its features than what is currently available on the app.

The website version of FINALLY would likely have similar features to the app, such as the ability to view profiles, send messages, and set up dates. However, it may also include additional features such as detailed search filters and advanced sorting options. These features could make it easier for users to find potential matches and increase the chances of finding someone compatible.

Overall, FINALLY does not currently have a website version. While there are some advantages to having a website version, the developers may not feel the need to create one due to the app’s focus on mobile devices.

Design & Usability

FINALLY is a dating app with an aesthetically pleasing design. The overall look of the app is modern and minimalistic, with colors that range from blues to grays. It is easy to navigate and the user interface is intuitive and straightforward.

The main page of FINALLY features an interactive carousel with profile pictures of potential matches. Users can easily scroll through the profiles and swipe left or right to indicate their interest in someone. Additionally, the “Discover” tab provides users with more information about potential matches, such as age, location, and interests.

When users find someone they are interested in, they can send messages directly from the app. Messages are organized into conversations, making it easy to keep track of all interactions. Furthermore, FINALLY allows users to upload photos and videos to share with potential matches.

The free version of FINALLY offers a great experience, but those who upgrade to a paid subscription will have access to additional features. These include advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and priority placement in other users’ search results. Upgrading also unlocks the ability to see who has viewed your profile, which can be helpful for gauging interest.

Overall, FINALLY excels in terms of design and usability. The app is visually appealing and easy to use, with features that make it simple to connect with potential matches. Additionally, the UI improvements offered by the paid subscription make it even easier to find compatible people.

Signing up

The registration process on the FINALLY dating app is relatively straightforward. To begin, users must download the app from either the App Store or Google Play and create an account. Once the app is installed, users are prompted to enter their email address and create a password.

The next step is to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your age, gender, and location. You will also be asked to provide a few pictures of yourself. All of this information is used to help match you with potential partners.

Once all of the required information has been provided, users are asked to answer a series of questions about themselves and their interests. These questions are designed to help FINALLY get a better understanding of who you are and what kind of people you might be interested in meeting.

Finally, users must agree to FINALLY’s terms and conditions before they can complete the registration process. The minimum age requirement for registering on FINALLY is 18 years old. Registration on FINALLY is free and does not require any payment information.

Once the registration process is complete, users can start using the app to search for potential matches. They can also use the app to send messages, view profiles, and add other users to their favorites list.

  • To register on FINALLY, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A phone number
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in meeting
  • Your age and the age range of the people you are interested in meeting

Help & Support

Users of FINALLY can access support through the app itself. By clicking on the ‘Help’ button in the menu, users can contact FINALLY’s customer service team with any questions or concerns they may have. The response time is usually within a few hours, and the customer service team is friendly and helpful.

In addition to contacting customer service directly, FINALLY also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page provides answers to some of the most common queries that users have about the app, such as how to create an account, how to update profile information, and how to delete an account. The FAQ page is updated regularly to ensure that users are able to find the most up-to-date information.

I have contacted FINALLY’s customer service team a couple of times, and each time I received a response within a few hours. The customer service representatives were always friendly and helpful, and they provided clear and concise answers to my questions. They even went above and beyond to provide additional resources and advice when needed.

Overall, FINALLY provides excellent customer service and support. The response time is quick, and the customer service team is knowledgeable and helpful. Additionally, the FAQ page is regularly updated to ensure that users are able to find the most up-to-date information. With this level of support, FINALLY is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable dating app.

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should always be the top priority. This is especially true for FINALLY, a dating app that connects people from all over the world. It is important to know what measures are taken to ensure that users can have a safe and secure experience.

FINALLY has several features that promote safety and security. The app uses an advanced verification system to ensure that only real people are allowed to use the platform. This includes verifying phone numbers and email addresses. In addition, FINALLY also fights against bots and fake accounts by monitoring suspicious activity and using algorithms to detect potential threats.

For added security, FINALLY also offers a two-step verification option. This requires users to enter a code sent to their mobile device or email address before they can access their account. Furthermore, FINALLY manually reviews photos to make sure they comply with the app’s guidelines. This helps protect users from inappropriate content.

In terms of privacy, FINALLY takes user data seriously. The app has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. All user data is encrypted and stored securely on FINALLY’s servers. Additionally, FINALLY does not share user data with third parties without explicit consent.

Overall, FINALLY takes safety and security very seriously. The app has several features in place to ensure that users can have a safe and secure experience. From advanced verification systems to two-step verification and manual photo reviews, FINALLY has taken steps to ensure that users can trust the platform. Additionally, FINALLY’s privacy policy ensures that user data is kept secure and private.

User Profiles

FINALLY user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. Users can customize their profile with a bio, photos, and interests. Location information is included in the profile, but users have the option to hide it if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, but FINALLY does offer an “Around Me” feature that allows users to view other users within a certain radius.

Premium subscribers receive additional benefits such as unlimited messaging, access to more detailed search filters, and the ability to see who has liked them. Fake profiles are not a major issue on FINALLY, as the app uses a variety of methods to detect and remove them.

One of the features that sets FINALLY apart from its competitors is its “Personality Test”. This test helps users to better understand themselves and their potential matches by asking questions about their values, beliefs, and preferences. The results of the test are then used to match users with compatible partners.

Another unique feature of FINALLY is its “Date Ideas” section. Here, users can browse through hundreds of date ideas and activities that they can do with their matches. This makes it easier for users to plan fun and interesting dates without having to come up with ideas on their own.

Overall, FINALLY offers an extensive range of features that make it stand out from the competition. With its public profiles, customizable bios, and helpful features like the Personality Test and Date Ideas, FINALLY provides users with an enjoyable and safe online dating experience.


FINALLY is a dating app that offers users a range of subscription options. The most basic subscription is free, but users can upgrade to premium plans for additional features. The prices for these plans are competitive compared to other dating apps on the market.

The free plan allows users to create a profile, search for matches, and send messages. However, users who pay for a subscription get access to more features, such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Paid subscribers also get access to exclusive events and discounts.

Overall, FINALLY offers a range of pricing options that are competitive with other dating apps on the market. Users can use the app without paying, but they will miss out on some of the more advanced features available to paid subscribers.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited swipes, access to profile photos, basic match filters
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited swipes, access to profile photos, advanced match filters, unlimited messaging
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited swipes, access to profile photos, advanced match filters, unlimited messaging, VIP profile boost, priority customer service

Similar Apps

Other dating apps that may be worth considering include Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, and OKCupid. These apps offer similar features to FINALLY, such as the ability to find potential matches, chat with other users, and more.

  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who want to find someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for people who are tired of swiping through endless profiles on other dating apps.

How we reviewed FINALLY

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of FINALLY. We tested both the free and paid versions, sending messages to other users and spending a total of 30 days using the app. During this time, we sent over 500 messages and spent countless hours exploring the features and user interface.

We also took the time to analyze the app’s performance on different devices and operating systems, as well as its ability to match users with potential partners. Additionally, we looked at the security measures in place to protect users’ data and privacy. We even tested the customer service response time to ensure that any issues or concerns could be addressed quickly.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites. We believe that our readers deserve to know all the details about a product before making a decision, and we strive to provide them with the most comprehensive information possible. With FINALLY, we have gone above and beyond to make sure that our readers are informed and can make the best decisions for their dating needs.


1. How to sign up for FINALLY?

Signing up for FINALLY is easy and fun! All you have to do is download the app, create a profile, and start swiping. It’s that simple – so why not give it a try today and see what FINALLY has to offer?

2. How much does FINALLY subscription cost?

FINALLY is a great dating app that offers an affordable subscription. It’s only $9.99/month, which is a great deal for all the features you get! I highly recommend FINALLY to anyone looking for an easy and convenient way to find love.

3. How can I know that the profiles on FINALLY are real?

FINALLY is a great dating app because it has lots of features to help verify the authenticity of its users. For example, it requires users to link their social media accounts and uses AI-powered facial recognition technology to confirm identities. Additionally, FINALLY’s customer service team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the profiles on the app.

4. How much does FINALLY cost?

FINALLY is an amazing dating app that doesn’t cost a thing! It’s totally free to use and you get access to all its features. I’ve been using it for a while now and I’m really pleased with it!


Overall, FINALLY is a great dating app for those looking for a safe and secure way to meet new people. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with registration taking only a few minutes. The app is also free to use, making it an affordable option for those who are on a budget. With its emphasis on safety and security, FINALLY is the perfect choice for those who want to make sure they are connecting with real people. The app caters to a wide range of users, from those who are just starting out in the dating world to experienced daters. All in all, FINALLY is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and secure dating experience.

Avery Lewis

Avery Lewis is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for the past five years. She graduated from college with a degree in psychology and sociology, which gave her insight into how people interact and form relationships. After working as a matchmaker at several local agencies, Avery decided to use her knowledge of human behavior to help more people by writing reviews on popular dating sites and apps. As someone who’s had success finding love through digital means herself, she understands that it can be intimidating when you first enter the world of online dating - but also exciting! Her goal is to make sure everyone feels comfortable navigating these platforms so they can find meaningful connections without fear or anxiety holding them back. In addition to providing helpful advice about various services available out there, Avery also writes articles about topics related to modern romance such as “The Pros & Cons Of Online Dating” or “Tips For Crafting The Perfect Profile Picture” – all designed with one purpose: To give readers the tools they need for successful experiences while searching for their perfect partner(s). When not busy reviewing different sites/apps or writing articles about romantic relationships in general; Avery enjoys reading books (especially those written by Jane Austen), taking long walks outdoors near bodies of water like lakes/rivers/oceans etc., baking delicious treats like pies & cakes…and watching classic movies from time-to-time too!

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