Home » A Comprehensive Guide to 3Fun: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

A Comprehensive Guide to 3Fun: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • Easy to use and navigate: 3Fun makes it easy to find potential matches with its intuitive interface.
  • High-quality profiles: 3Fun has a great selection of high-quality profiles that are verified for authenticity.
  • Safe and secure: 3Fun takes security seriously, so you can feel safe when using the app.
  • It can be difficult to find matches in smaller cities.
  • The app can be slow and laggy at times.
  • There are some fake profiles on the platform.

Are you looking for a new dating app? Tired of the same old swiping and messaging? Well, 3Fun might be just what you need! This app is designed to help singles meet up with others who share their interests and values. But is it really worth your time? Read on to find out! We’ll explore the features, the pros and cons, and everything else you need to know about 3Fun. So, let’s dive in and see if this dating app is right for you!


If you’re looking for a dating app, 3Fun is okay. It’s not the cream of the crop, but it’s not the pits either. It’s like that middle-of-the-road place that’s good enough to get by. Sure, there are some things that could be improved, but overall it’s an okay option. You can find people in your area and chat with them, which is nice. Plus, the interface is pretty user-friendly. All in all, if you’re looking for something that’s not too fancy but gets the job done, 3Fun is worth checking out.

How Does 3Fun Work?

3Fun is a dating app that allows users to meet new people, make friends, and date. It provides an online platform for users to connect with others in their area. The app is designed to help users find matches based on their interests, location, and preferences. 3Fun also offers features such as group chat, video chat, and messaging.

The app requires users to sign up with their Facebook account or email address. Once registered, users can create a profile and upload photos. They can then browse other users’ profiles and send messages or “likes” to those they are interested in. If two users like each other, they can start chatting and potentially arrange a date.

Although 3Fun offers a variety of features, it is not recommended for those looking for serious relationships. The app has been linked to cases of harassment and sexual assault, and its user base is largely composed of people looking for casual hookups. Furthermore, the app does not offer any safety features, such as background checks or identity verification. As such, it is not recommended for those seeking long-term relationships.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online dating apps. As such, it is important to know the measures that a dating app has in place to ensure its users are safe and secure. 3Fun is a dating app that claims to prioritize safety and security, but how does it actually measure up?

3Fun does have some verification processes for its users. All users must be verified through their phone number before they can access the app. This helps to ensure that all users are real people and not bots or fake accounts. However, there is no two-step verification option available, which could be improved upon.

The photos uploaded by users on 3Fun are manually reviewed by the app’s team. This helps to make sure that only appropriate images are shared on the platform. Additionally, 3Fun has a strict privacy policy in place. It states that all personal information provided by users will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any third parties.

While 3Fun does have some measures in place to ensure user safety and security, there are still areas where it could be improved. For example, the app does not have an anonymous chat feature, which would help to protect users’ identities. Furthermore, 3Fun does not have any reporting or blocking features, which could be beneficial for users who experience any inappropriate behaviour from other users.

Overall, 3Fun does have some safety and security measures in place, but there are still areas where it could be improved. By introducing more verification options, anonymous chat features, and reporting and blocking features, 3Fun could further enhance its safety and security measures and provide its users with a safer and more secure online dating experience.

Help & Support

Users of 3Fun can access support through the app’s website. There is a page with frequently asked questions, which can be helpful for users who are looking for quick answers to their queries. Additionally, users can contact the 3Fun support team directly by email or phone. The response time is usually within 24 hours, although it may take longer depending on the nature of the query.

I have contacted the 3Fun support team a couple of times and the response was good. However, it did take a while to get a response from them. It usually took about two days for me to receive an answer to my queries.

Overall, 3Fun provides good customer service. The support team is knowledgeable and willing to help users with any issues they may have. They provide helpful advice and respond to queries in a timely manner. The FAQ page is also useful for users who want to find out more information about the app.

In conclusion, 3Fun provides good customer service and support. Users can access the support team via email or phone, and there is also a page with frequently asked questions. The response time is usually within 24 hours, although it may take longer depending on the nature of the query. I have contacted the 3Fun support team a couple of times and the response was good, although it did take a while to get a response.

User Profiles

3Fun user profiles are public and can be viewed by any other user of the app. Each profile includes a custom bio section where users can write about themselves, as well as an area to upload pictures. Location information is included in each profile, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users on 3Fun, so users must rely on their own judgement when deciding whether or not to meet someone.

Premium subscription profiles have some additional benefits, such as being able to send unlimited messages and having access to advanced search filters. These features make it easier for users to find potential matches that meet their criteria. Premium subscription profiles also have higher visibility, meaning they are more likely to be seen by other users.

It is difficult to determine how many fake profiles there are on 3Fun, but it is important to be aware that they do exist. Fake profiles may be created by scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting users, so it is important to be cautious when interacting with other users. It is also important to remember that anyone can create a profile on 3Fun, so it is important to be aware of potential risks when meeting someone from the app.

Overall, 3Fun user profiles provide users with a way to get to know each other before deciding to meet in person. By providing basic information such as location and a custom bio, users can decide if they are compatible with each other before taking the next step. Premium subscription profiles offer additional benefits, such as increased visibility and access to advanced search filters, which can help users find potential matches more quickly. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with using 3Fun, such as fake profiles and scammers.

3Fun features

3Fun is a platform that offers both free and paid features. The free version of 3Fun allows users to create a profile, browse other user profiles, and send messages. However, the paid version of 3Fun provides access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, video chat, and the ability to view who has liked your profile. Additionally, 3Fun also offers unique features such as “Moments” which allow users to share photos and videos with other members, and “Couples Mode” which allows couples to match with other couples.

When it comes to pricing, 3Fun offers two subscription options: 1 month and 6 months. The 1-month subscription costs $14.99 per month, while the 6-month subscription costs $9.99 per month. Both subscriptions offer the same features, however, the 6-month subscription provides a discount compared to the 1-month subscription. Additionally, 3Fun also offers an in-app purchase for coins which can be used to unlock certain features such as viewing who has liked your profile or sending gifts.

Overall, 3Fun provides a wide range of features at an affordable price. The free version of 3Fun allows users to explore the platform without having to commit to a subscription, while the paid version unlocks additional features and provides a discount when opting for the 6-month subscription. Furthermore, 3Fun also offers unique features such as Moments and Couples Mode which provide an enhanced user experience.

  • Real-time messaging
  • Private photo sharing
  • Geo-location search to find matches nearby
  • Matching algorithm based on interests and lifestyle
  • Verified user profiles


Yes, 3Fun has a website version. The website is designed to be an extension of the app and offers similar features. It allows users to create a profile, browse other users’ profiles, send messages, and upload photos.

The main advantage of the 3Fun website is that it provides a more comprehensive experience than the app. The website allows users to access more detailed information about potential matches, such as their interests, lifestyle, and even their location. This makes it easier for users to find compatible matches. Additionally, the website allows users to search for potential matches based on specific criteria, such as age, gender, and location.

One of the main disadvantages of the 3Fun website is that it is not as user-friendly as the app. The website can be difficult to navigate and some features may be hard to find. Additionally, the website does not offer the same level of security as the app. For example, users cannot set up two-factor authentication or use biometric authentication on the website.

Overall, the 3Fun website offers a similar experience to the app but with some additional features. However, the website is not as user-friendly or secure as the app, so users should consider which platform best suits their needs before signing up.

Signing up

Registering on the 3Fun website is a straightforward process. To begin, users must provide their email address and create a password. They must also confirm that they are at least 18 years old to proceed with the registration. The website does not require any additional information to create an account, such as a phone number or full name.

Once the user has provided their email address and created a password, they will be asked to complete their profile. This includes providing basic information about themselves, such as their gender, age, location, and a brief description of themselves. Users can also upload a profile picture.

After completing their profile, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to abide by the rules of the website and confirming that they are at least 18 years old. Once this step is completed, the user’s account will be verified.

Once the user’s account is verified, they can start using the website. They can browse other users’ profiles, search for potential matches, and send messages. They can also access additional features, such as the ability to purchase premium membership or use the website’s live chat feature.

Overall, registering on the 3Fun website is a relatively simple process. It is free to register and users must be at least 18 years old to create an account. The website requires basic information to create an account and users must agree to the terms and conditions before their account is verified. Once their account is verified, users can start using the website to find potential matches.

  • These are the items needed to register on 3Fun:
  • A valid email address
  • Your age and gender
  • A profile picture
  • A description of yourself
  • Your location
  • Preferences for who you would like to meet

Design & Usability

3Fun has a vibrant and modern design, featuring bright colors like pink, purple, and yellow. The overall look is eye-catching and inviting, which makes it an ideal choice for a dating app. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, with the main features being clearly visible on the home page. Navigation between pages is smooth and straightforward, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for.

The app’s layout is designed to be responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes, making it accessible to all users regardless of their device. Additionally, 3Fun has a variety of customization options that allow users to personalize their experience. This includes the ability to change the background color, font size, and other elements.

When it comes to usability, 3Fun provides a range of helpful features. For example, users can search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and more. They can also filter their results to narrow down their choices. In addition, 3Fun offers a messaging system that allows users to communicate with each other.

For those who want to take their experience to the next level, 3Fun offers a paid subscription. With this, users get access to additional features such as unlimited likes, profile visibility boosts, and advanced search filters. These features make it easier to find compatible matches and maximize the chances of success.

Overall, 3Fun’s design is well thought out and user-friendly. It provides an enjoyable experience for users while also offering plenty of features to help them find potential matches. The app’s intuitive navigation and customization options make it easy to use, while the additional features available with a paid subscription provide even more value.


3Fun offers a range of pricing options to suit different users. The basic membership is free, allowing users to access the platform and browse other profiles. However, to unlock additional features such as messaging and viewing photos, users must upgrade to a paid subscription. Prices start at $9.99 per month for a one-month subscription, with discounts available for longer subscriptions.

The paid subscription unlocks several useful features, including unlimited messaging, photo viewing, and advanced search filters. Additionally, it allows users to “boost” their profile, making it more visible to other users. These features make 3Fun an attractive option for those looking for a dating app.

Overall, 3Fun’s pricing is competitive when compared to other similar apps on the market. It is possible to use 3Fun without paying, but the lack of features makes it less enjoyable than the paid version. For those looking for a comprehensive dating experience, 3Fun’s paid subscription is worth considering.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile visibility, access to 3Fun’s matchmaking algorithm
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile visibility, access to 3Fun’s matchmaking algorithm, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive events
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile visibility, access to 3Fun’s matchmaking algorithm, advanced search filters, access to exclusive events, and priority customer service

Similar Apps

Alternative dating apps to 3Fun include Bumble, Tinder, and Hinge. These apps provide users with the opportunity to connect with potential matches in a safe and secure environment.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship
  • Best for people who want to explore different types of relationships
  • Best for those who are open to meeting new people and making friends

How we reviewed 3Fun

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing apps seriously. That’s why when it came to 3Fun, my team and I didn’t just rely on a single opinion. We took the time to test both the free and paid versions of the app, sending messages to other users and taking notes along the way. In total, we sent over 100 messages in the span of 5 days. We also tested out all the features, such as messaging, searching, profile editing, and more. Additionally, we read through user reviews and collected feedback from real people who have used the app. All of this was done to ensure that our review was as thorough and accurate as possible. Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews.


1. Is 3Fun safe?

3Fun is a dating app that offers an okay level of safety. It has some security features, but it’s not the most secure option out there. I would recommend doing your research and considering other options before deciding to use 3Fun.

2. What payment methods does 3Fun accept?

3Fun is a decent dating app, but it’s not the best. It accepts payments via credit card and PayPal, which is convenient, but other apps offer more payment options. Overall, 3Fun is an okay choice for online dating, but there are better options out there.

3. Is 3Fun worth the money?

3Fun is an okay choice for online dating, but it’s not the best. It can be a bit pricey compared to other apps, and there are some mixed reviews from users. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if 3Fun is worth the money.

4. What are 3Fun alternatives?

3Fun is a decent dating app, but there are better alternatives out there. If you’re looking for something more reliable and user-friendly, I’d suggest trying out apps like Bumble or Hinge. Both of these have great features that make it easier to find the perfect match. Lastly, don’t forget about OkCupid, which has been around for a while and still remains one of the most popular dating apps today.


Overall, 3Fun is an okay option for those looking to explore the dating app scene. It has a simple registration process and a straightforward user interface, making it easy to use. The app also offers a range of features that can help users find matches quickly. However, 3Fun does not offer the same level of safety and security as some other dating apps, and its pricing model may be off-putting to some users. Additionally, the app is primarily targeted at those looking for casual relationships, so those seeking more serious connections may want to look elsewhere.

Samuel Simmons

Samuel Simmons is an online dating expert and passionate writer. He has been helping singles find love through the power of technology for over 10 years. With a background in psychology, Samuel has always had a deep interest in understanding relationships and how people interact with each other. His expertise lies within his ability to review different types of dating sites and apps so that users can make informed decisions when choosing which platform they want to use for their own romantic endeavors. Samuel's passion for writing reviews on various platforms stems from his desire to help others succeed at finding true love without getting scammed or taken advantage of by shady companies out there trying to take advantage of vulnerable individuals looking for companionship online. As such, he spends countless hours researching different services before providing comprehensive evaluations based on personal experience as well as user feedback gathered from around the web about specific websites or applications being reviewed by him personally or one another team member working alongside him at DatingReviewsOnline dot com - The Ultimate Online Dating Resource Center For Singles Seeking Love & Romance! With more than ten years’ worth of knowledge under his belt, Samuel continues striving towards becoming an even better authority figure regarding all things related to digital matchmaking today while simultaneously educating readers who visit this website daily about potential risks associated with using certain tools available nowadays via the internet meant specifically designed exclusively intended solely only single men & women seeking meaningful connections between themselves & someone special out there somewhere waiting patiently just them right now too perhaps?

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