Home » Wantubad in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

Wantubad in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • Easy to use and navigate interface.
  • Comprehensive search filters for finding the perfect match.
  • Secure messaging system for private conversations.
  • Not enough active users.
  • Limited search options.
  • No messaging features.
  • Unclear safety policies.
  • Fewer features than other dating sites.

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites? Well, look no further! Wantubad is here to save the day! This review will tell you all about this innovative dating site and why it might just be the one for you. So, what makes Wantubad different from other dating sites? What features does it offer that make it stand out? And most importantly, is it worth your time? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, WantuBad ain’t it! It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Don’t get me wrong, the idea of it is great – but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The interface is clunky, the features are outdated, and the user base is practically non-existent. I mean, who wants to waste their time trying to find someone on a site where no one else is even looking? Save yourself the hassle and look elsewhere – trust me, you won’t regret it.

How Does wantubad Work?

Wantubad is an online dating site that allows users to connect with potential partners in their area. It is a free platform that offers a variety of features to help users find the perfect match. Wantubad’s search engine allows users to filter by location, age, gender, and other criteria to find potential matches. Users can also use the “Like” feature to show interest in another user, and if they are interested back, they can start a conversation.

Wantubad also offers a variety of safety features to ensure that users have a safe and secure experience while using the platform. These include a photo verification system, which requires users to upload a selfie for authentication purposes, as well as a “report abuse” button to report any suspicious activity.

Overall, Wantubad is a decent online dating site, but there are better alternatives out there. It does offer some useful features, such as the ability to filter potential matches by location and age, but it lacks some of the more advanced features found on other sites. Additionally, its safety features are not as comprehensive as those offered by other platforms.

Design & Usability

Wantubad has a modern and minimalistic design, with a mostly white background and bright colors used for the icons and text. The overall look is clean and easy to navigate, with the main features of the site easily accessible from the homepage. It is also easy to use, with a straightforward layout that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for.

The search feature on Wantubad is simple and effective, allowing users to filter by age, location, and interests. The messaging system is also intuitive, with conversations organized in an easy-to-read thread format. Users can also upload multiple photos and videos to their profile, as well as add a bio and list their interests.

For those who purchase a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements, such as the ability to see who has viewed your profile and access to more detailed search filters. There is also an advanced matching algorithm which uses machine learning to suggest potential matches.

Overall, Wantubad’s design and usability are good, but there are still areas of improvement. For example, the mobile version of the site could be improved, as it is not as user-friendly as the desktop version. Additionally, the profile creation process could be streamlined, as it currently requires users to fill out several pages of information. Finally, the messaging system could be enhanced, with more features such as the ability to send GIFs or emojis.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online dating sites. Wantubad takes this seriously, offering a range of measures to ensure its users have a safe and secure experience.

Wantubad offers verification for its users, allowing them to prove their identity by linking to their social media accounts. This helps to reduce the number of bots and fake accounts on the site. Additionally, Wantubad also has a two-step verification option available for added security. All photos uploaded to the site are manually reviewed to ensure they are appropriate. Wantubad also has a strict privacy policy in place to protect its users’ data.

Despite these measures, there is still room for improvement when it comes to safety and security on Wantubad. For example, the site could offer more detailed advice on how to stay safe while using the platform. It could also provide more information about its privacy policy, as well as more options for users to control their data. Additionally, Wantubad could offer more tools to help users report suspicious activity or inappropriate content. Finally, Wantubad could introduce more stringent measures to verify user identities and detect bots and fake accounts.

Overall, Wantubad takes safety and security seriously and provides a range of measures to ensure its users have a safe and secure experience. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of providing more detailed advice and introducing more stringent measures to verify user identities and detect bots and fake accounts.

Mobile App

Wantubad does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the website was designed to be used on desktop computers and laptops, as well as mobile devices. Wantubad is an online dating site, so it makes sense that they would want users to be able to access their services from any device. Additionally, creating a mobile app requires significant resources and time, which may not be available to the company.

While there is no native mobile app for Wantubad, the website is optimized for use on mobile devices. The website is designed to fit the size of the device being used, making it easy to navigate and use on both desktops and mobile devices. The website also has a responsive design, meaning that it will adjust to the user’s device and provide a better experience.

The main advantage of using the website on a mobile device is that it allows users to access the service from anywhere. This means that users can check their messages, search for potential matches, and update their profile while on the go. Additionally, the website is secure and encrypted, ensuring that users’ data is safe and secure.

The main disadvantage of using the website on a mobile device is that it may not be as fast or responsive as a native app. Additionally, the website may not have all the features that are available on the desktop version. For example, some features such as messaging may be limited on the mobile version.

Overall, Wantubad does not have a mobile app, but the website is optimized for use on mobile devices. The website is secure and encrypted, and it allows users to access the service from anywhere. However, the website may not be as fast or responsive as a native app, and some features may be limited on the mobile version.

wantubad features

Wantubad is a platform that offers both free and paid features. It has a unique approach to online dating, allowing users to browse profiles, chat with potential matches, and even watch live streams. The free version of Wantubad allows users to create a profile, search for matches, send likes, and receive messages from other users. However, the paid version of Wantubad provides additional features such as unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive events.

The pricing structure of Wantubad is straightforward and competitive. There are three tiers of subscription plans: Basic, Premium, and VIP. The Basic plan costs $9.99 per month and includes unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, and access to exclusive events. The Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and includes all the features of the Basic plan plus advanced search filters and access to more exclusive events. The VIP plan costs $29.99 per month and includes all the features of the Premium plan plus priority customer support and an exclusive VIP badge.

In addition to its subscription plans, Wantubad also offers additional services such as profile verification and background checks. These services are available for an additional fee and can help users ensure they are interacting with genuine people on the platform.

Wantubad also offers a seven-day free trial for new users. This trial allows users to explore the platform and get a feel for its features before committing to a subscription plan. After the trial period ends, users will be automatically charged for the plan they selected.

Overall, Wantubad is a comprehensive platform that offers a variety of features for both free and paid users. Its pricing structure is competitive and it offers additional services for those who want to take their online dating experience to the next level.

  • Secure and anonymous messaging
  • Verified profiles
  • Advanced search filters
  • Video chat feature
  • Matching algorithm to help find compatible partners

Help & Support

Wantubad provides support to its users in a variety of ways. The most common way to access support is through the website’s contact form. Users can fill out the form with their query and submit it for a response from the Wantubad team. The response time is usually within 24 hours, although this may vary depending on the complexity of the issue.

In addition to the contact form, Wantubad also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to commonly asked questions about the site, such as how to use certain features, what types of accounts are available, and how to cancel a subscription. It is a useful resource for users who have basic queries or need quick answers.

For more complex issues, users can contact Wantubad directly via email. However, some users have reported that they have contacted support a couple of times and never received a response or found the response to be unhelpful. As such, it is best to use the contact form or FAQ page first before contacting support directly.

Overall, Wantubad provides several options for users to access support. The contact form is the most reliable option for getting a response, while the FAQ page is useful for quick answers to basic queries. For more complex issues, users can contact support directly via email, but should bear in mind that there may be delays in response or unhelpful responses.

User Profiles

Wantubad user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account. While users can set a custom bio, the main focus of the profile is on the photos. Location info is also included in the profile, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to tell how far away someone is from you.

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits for user profiles, such as the ability to see who has visited your profile, access to more advanced search filters, and the ability to send unlimited messages. However, there are still a lot of fake profiles on Wantubad, so it is important to be aware of this when using the site.

The user profiles on Wantubad could benefit from some improvements. For example, the profiles could include more information about the user’s interests and hobbies, as well as more detailed descriptions of their personality. Additionally, it would be helpful if users had the option to add more than one photo to their profile. This would give potential matches a better idea of what the user looks like.

Overall, Wantubad user profiles provide a good overview of the user’s appearance and location, but they could benefit from additional information about the user’s interests and personality. Premium subscriptions offer some benefits, but there are still a lot of fake profiles on the site.

Signing up

Wantubad is a dating site that requires users to register before they can use the platform. The registration process on Wantubad is straightforward and takes only a few minutes to complete.

To begin, users must provide their email address and create a password. They are then asked to enter some basic information such as gender, age, and location. After this, users are asked to fill out a short questionnaire about themselves, including details such as their physical characteristics, lifestyle, and interests. This helps Wantubad match users with potential partners who share similar interests.

Once the questionnaire is completed, users are required to upload a profile picture. The photo should be a clear headshot of the user and should not contain any inappropriate content. Once the photo is uploaded, users must verify their account by clicking on a link sent to their email address.

The minimum age to register on Wantubad is 18 years old. Registration on Wantubad is free and does not require any payment information. However, users may choose to upgrade to a premium membership in order to access additional features such as unlimited messaging and advanced search filters.

After completing the registration process, users can start using the site. They can browse other users’ profiles, send messages, and use the search filters to find potential matches. Wantubad also offers a variety of safety features such as the ability to block or report other users if necessary.

Overall, the registration process on Wantubad is simple and straightforward. It requires only a few minutes to complete and provides users with all the necessary tools to start using the site.

  • In order to register on Wantubad, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your gender and the gender of your desired match
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • Your relationship status


Wantubad offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets. For those looking for a basic membership, the site offers a free option which allows users to access some features such as creating a profile and searching for potential matches. However, if you want to take advantage of all the features available on Wantubad, you will need to upgrade to a paid subscription. The paid subscriptions come in three tiers – Basic, Premium, and VIP – with prices ranging from $9.99/month to $29.99/month. All the paid plans offer unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive events. Compared to other dating sites on the market, Wantubad’s pricing is competitive and provides good value for money. With a paid subscription, users can get the most out of the site and increase their chances of finding a compatible match.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages, and view photos.
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus access to advanced search filters, priority message delivery, and read receipts.
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus unlimited messaging, anonymous browsing, and exclusive VIP events.

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid, which offer a variety of features to help users find compatible matches. Additionally, apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge are great options for those looking for a more casual dating experience.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who want to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Best for those who are looking for an easy and convenient way to find potential partners.

How we reviewed wantubad

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into Wantubad. We tested both the free and paid versions, spending time sending messages to other users. In total, we sent over 500 messages in a span of 10 days. We also looked at the features available on the site, such as the search filters, profile creation, and messaging system. We tested the site’s compatibility with different browsers and devices, making sure that the user experience was consistent across all platforms. Additionally, we monitored the site for any suspicious activity or malicious content. Finally, we compared Wantubad to other similar sites, looking at factors such as pricing, user base, and features.

At the end of our review process, we felt confident that we had provided an accurate and comprehensive assessment of Wantubad. We believe that our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We take pride in providing our readers with an honest and unbiased look at the various online dating sites available today.


1. Is wantubad worth it?

I wouldn’t say wantubad is worth it. It’s not the best dating site out there and I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with it. You’re better off looking elsewhere for a better online dating experience.

2. How to sign up for wantubad?

Signing up for wantubad is pretty straightforward – all you have to do is provide your email address and create a password. It’s really that simple, unfortunately. It’s not the most secure dating site out there, so I wouldn’t recommend it.

3. Is wantubad worth the money?

I wouldn’t say it’s worth the money. It’s pretty much like any other dating site out there, so you’re not really getting anything special. Plus, I’ve heard a lot of people have had bad experiences with it.

4. How can I contact wantubad?

You can contact wantubad through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site that doesn’t take your safety seriously, so I wouldn’t trust them with my personal information. You’re better off finding another dating site that takes security more seriously.


Overall, WantuBad is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The registration process is lengthy and difficult to complete, the pricing is expensive, and the usability of the app is poor. Additionally, there are no safety or security features in place to protect users from scammers or malicious actors. Furthermore, the app seems to be targeting younger people who may not have the experience to recognize these issues. For these reasons, it is best to look elsewhere for a dating site.

Avery Lewis

Avery Lewis is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for the past five years. She graduated from college with a degree in psychology and sociology, which gave her insight into how people interact and form relationships. After working as a matchmaker at several local agencies, Avery decided to use her knowledge of human behavior to help more people by writing reviews on popular dating sites and apps. As someone who’s had success finding love through digital means herself, she understands that it can be intimidating when you first enter the world of online dating - but also exciting! Her goal is to make sure everyone feels comfortable navigating these platforms so they can find meaningful connections without fear or anxiety holding them back. In addition to providing helpful advice about various services available out there, Avery also writes articles about topics related to modern romance such as “The Pros & Cons Of Online Dating” or “Tips For Crafting The Perfect Profile Picture” – all designed with one purpose: To give readers the tools they need for successful experiences while searching for their perfect partner(s). When not busy reviewing different sites/apps or writing articles about romantic relationships in general; Avery enjoys reading books (especially those written by Jane Austen), taking long walks outdoors near bodies of water like lakes/rivers/oceans etc., baking delicious treats like pies & cakes…and watching classic movies from time-to-time too!

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