Home » Meet24: An In-Depth Review of the 2023 Dating Site

Meet24: An In-Depth Review of the 2023 Dating Site

  • Easy to use and navigate interface
  • Offers a variety of features to help you find your perfect match
  • Lots of potential matches to choose from
  • No way to filter matches by location
  • No mobile app available
  • Limited profile information
  • Messaging system is clunky and slow
  • Profiles are not verified

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right? Meet24 might be the answer! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and find out what makes this dating site so special. Is it really worth your time? Can you actually find someone special on Meet24? Let’s find out!


Meet24 is like a blind date from the 90s – it’s just not worth your time or money. I mean, come on! Who even uses this site? It’s like they haven’t updated their platform since then. It’s outdated and unreliable. Plus, you never know who you’re going to get matched with – it’s a total crapshoot. Yikes! Save yourself the hassle and don’t bother with Meet24. Trust me, you won’t be missing out.

How Does Meet24 Work?

Meet24 is a dating site that allows users to meet, chat, and flirt with other singles. It offers a variety of features to help people find their perfect match. With its easy-to-use interface, users can quickly create profiles, search for matches, and start conversations. Meet24 also has an extensive database of potential partners, making it easier to find someone who shares similar interests and values.

Meet24 is free to use and offers a variety of features such as the ability to send messages, photos, and videos. It also has a chatroom feature where users can talk to each other in real-time. Additionally, users can create a profile and upload photos, which will be visible to other members. The site also has a “matchmaker” feature, which helps users find compatible partners based on their interests and preferences.

Although Meet24 is a decent dating site, there are better alternatives available. For example, many sites offer more features such as advanced search options, more detailed profiles, and even video chat capabilities. Furthermore, some sites offer more security measures, such as verifying user identities and blocking suspicious accounts. Therefore, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive dating experience, it’s worth exploring other options.

Help & Support

Meet24 is a dating site that provides users with the opportunity to meet and connect with potential partners. Users can access support from Meet24 in several ways.

The first way is through the Meet24 website. On the website, there is a “Help” page where users can find answers to frequently asked questions. This page is updated regularly with new information and includes topics such as account setup, profile management, messaging, payment options, and more. Additionally, users can contact the Meet24 support team directly via email or phone. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, while phone support is available during regular business hours.

Unfortunately, some users have reported difficulty getting a response from the Meet24 support team. Some users have even reported not receiving any response at all. In these cases, it is recommended that users contact the support team multiple times to ensure their query is addressed.

In addition to providing customer support, Meet24 also offers various safety features to protect its users. These include a verification system that requires users to provide valid photo identification before they can use the service, as well as a reporting system that allows users to report suspicious activity.

Overall, Meet24 provides users with a variety of ways to access support. While some users may experience difficulty getting a response from the support team, the website’s Help page and safety features make it easier for users to find answers to their questions and stay safe while using the service.

Mobile App

Meet24 does have a mobile app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. The app is free to download and use, and it is native, meaning that it was specifically designed for mobile devices.

The main advantage of the Meet24 app is that it allows users to access their accounts on the go. It has all the same features as the website, including the ability to search for other users, send messages, and upload photos. Additionally, the app also includes push notifications, so users can be alerted when they receive new messages or likes.

One of the main disadvantages of the Meet24 app is that it is not as user-friendly as the website. Many users have reported issues with the app crashing or freezing, and the design is not as intuitive as the website. Additionally, some users have complained about bugs and glitches in the app, such as incorrect profile information being displayed.

Overall, the Meet24 app is a useful tool for users who want to access their accounts on the go. However, due to its lack of user-friendliness and occasional bugs, it may not be the best option for those who are looking for a more reliable dating experience.

Signing up

The registration process on Meet24 is straightforward and simple. To begin, users must visit the website and click the “Sign Up” button. This will bring them to a page where they must enter their email address, create a password, and select their gender. After that, they must provide some basic information about themselves, such as their name, age, and location.

Once all of this information has been provided, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. They must also confirm that they are at least 18 years old, which is the minimum required age to register on Meet24. After this, users must verify their account by clicking a link sent to their email address.

After verifying their account, users can start creating their profile. This includes uploading a profile picture, adding a short bio, and listing any interests or hobbies they may have. Users can also specify what kind of partner they are looking for, such as someone with similar interests or a specific age range.

Meet24 is free to use and registration takes only a few minutes. Once users have created their profile, they can start browsing other profiles and messaging potential matches. They can also join groups, post on forums, and take part in activities to meet new people.

Overall, the registration process on Meet24 is quick and easy. It requires users to provide some basic information and confirm that they are at least 18 years old. After verifying their account, users can start creating their profile and start browsing other profiles.

  • In order to register on Meet24, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your date of birth
  • A profile photo
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A username and password

User Profiles

Meet24 user profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. It is not possible to set a custom bio, however users can add a short description of themselves in the ‘About Me’ section. Location information is included in each profile, but it is possible to hide this information from other users. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to tell how far away another user is located.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits for users with upgraded accounts. These include access to exclusive features such as advanced search filters and increased visibility on the platform. However, there are no special privileges or advantages that come with having a premium account when it comes to user profiles.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake profiles on Meet24. This is a common issue with online dating sites, and Meet24 does not appear to have any particular measures in place to address this problem. As such, users should be cautious when interacting with other members on the site.

One thing that could be improved about user profiles is the ability to add more photos. Currently, users are limited to just one profile photo, which makes it difficult to get an accurate impression of someone. Allowing users to upload multiple photos would make it easier to get a better understanding of what someone looks like.

Overall, Meet24 user profiles provide a basic overview of who someone is, but they lack the depth and detail that would be needed to really get to know someone.

Meet24 features

Meet24 is a popular platform that offers both free and paid features. The free version allows users to create a profile, upload photos, view other profiles, and send unlimited messages. Paid members can access additional features such as live video chat, voice messages, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Additionally, Meet24 also offers unique features like ‘Meet Now’ which allows users to quickly connect with someone they are interested in.

In terms of pricing, Meet24 offers a range of subscription plans for its users. The basic plan is free and includes all the features mentioned above. However, if you want to access the advanced features, you will need to upgrade to one of the paid plans. The monthly subscription plan costs $9.99 per month, while the annual subscription plan costs $7.49 per month. Both plans offer access to all the advanced features.

When it comes to payment options, Meet24 accepts payments via credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay. All transactions are secured with 128-bit encryption technology. In addition, Meet24 also offers a 7-day money back guarantee on all purchases.

Overall, Meet24 provides a wide range of features at an affordable price. The free version is great for those who just want to explore the platform and get a feel for it before committing to a paid plan. The advanced features are great for those who want to take their online dating experience to the next level. With secure payment options and a money back guarantee, Meet24 is a great option for anyone looking for an online dating platform.

  • Private Messaging
  • Video Chatting
  • Matching System
  • User Profiles
  • Photo Sharing

Design & Usability

Meet24 has a modern and vibrant design, with bright colors and an overall clean look. The site is easy to navigate and use, with clearly labeled menus and options. All of the features are easily accessible from the main page, making it simple to find what you need.

The usability of Meet24 is quite good, with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to get started. There are no complicated menus or hidden options, and everything is laid out in a logical manner. The search function is also straightforward and efficient, allowing users to quickly find potential matches.

For those who purchase a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements available. These include additional profile customization options, such as changing the color scheme and adding a background image. Additionally, the subscription allows for more advanced search filters, which can help narrow down potential matches.

Overall, Meet24’s design and usability are satisfactory. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the search filters could be made more intuitive, and the profile customization options could be expanded. Additionally, the site could benefit from better mobile support, as currently the mobile version is limited in functionality. With these improvements, Meet24 could become even more user-friendly and enjoyable.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for users to feel safe and secure while searching for potential matches on any dating site.

Meet24 has some verification processes in place to ensure that users are who they say they are. Users can verify their account by providing a valid phone number, which will be used to send an SMS code. Once the code is entered, the user’s account is verified. Meet24 also fights against bots and fake accounts by manually reviewing all photos uploaded to the site.

In terms of privacy, Meet24 has a comprehensive privacy policy in place that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. The policy also explains how users can control their personal information and delete their accounts if they wish. However, Meet24 does not offer a two-step verification option at this time. This could be improved as two-step verification provides an extra layer of security for users.

Overall, Meet24 has some measures in place to ensure safety and security for its users. However, there is still room for improvement, such as offering a two-step verification option. This would provide users with added peace of mind when using the site, making them feel more secure when looking for potential matches.


Meet24 offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription costs $9.99 per month, while the premium subscription costs $19.99 per month. Both plans come with unlimited messaging and access to all features. The premium plan also includes extra features such as the ability to see who has viewed your profile and access to advanced search filters.

The prices offered by Meet24 are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. Users can also use Meet24 without paying, however they will be limited in terms of what features they can access. For example, they won’t be able to send messages or view profiles of other users. This means that the experience of using Meet24 without paying is much more limited than if you were to pay for a subscription.

Overall, Meet24 offers competitive pricing and a range of features depending on the subscription chosen. While it is possible to use Meet24 without paying, the experience is significantly limited compared to what is available with a paid subscription.

Subscription Option Price Features
Free $0 View profiles, send and receive messages, use basic search filters
Gold $19.99/month All free features plus access to advanced search filters, view who has liked you, and unlimited messaging
Platinum $29.99/month All Gold features plus VIP profile highlighting, access to exclusive events, and priority customer service

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Meet24 include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, and Match.com. These dating sites offer similar features to Meet24 such as the ability to search for potential matches, send messages, and view profiles.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for serious relationships.
  • Best for those who are interested in casual dating.
  • Best for those who want to meet new people and make friends.

How we reviewed Meet24

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a thorough process to review Meet24. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site and sent messages to other users – we sent a total of 100 messages over a period of 10 days. We also tested the various features available on the site, such as profile creation, photo uploads, messaging, search filters, etc. We also took time to read user reviews from other sites and evaluate the customer service response time. To get a better understanding of the user experience, we spent time interacting with other users on the site.

What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment to this review. We not only tested the features of the site but also got feedback from real users who have used Meet24. This gave us an in-depth look at how the site works and what users can expect when using it. All in all, our comprehensive review of Meet24 gives readers a clear picture of the site’s strengths and weaknesses.


1. How to sign up for Meet24?

Signing up for Meet24 is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is provide your basic information, upload a photo, and you’re good to go. It’s a shame that it’s so easy to join this dating site, as there are much better options out there.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Meet24?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on Meet24. It feels like it takes forever, and it’s really annoying. It’s definitely not the best dating site out there.

3. Is Meet24 trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say Meet24 is trustworthy. I’ve heard some pretty bad stories about people having their accounts hacked and getting scammed on the site. It’s definitely not a safe place to be looking for love.

4. What are Meet24 alternatives?

I’m not a fan of Meet24. There are much better alternatives out there like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. All of these sites have way more features and are much more user friendly than Meet24.


Overall, Meet24 is not a great option for those looking for a dating site. Its safety and security features are lacking, and the registration process is quite lengthy. Additionally, the pricing structure is not very transparent and it’s unclear who this app is targeting. The usability of the app is also not up to par with other dating sites, making it difficult to navigate and use. For these reasons, it is not recommended that users choose Meet24 as their primary dating site.

Avery Lewis

Avery Lewis is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for the past five years. She graduated from college with a degree in psychology and sociology, which gave her insight into how people interact and form relationships. After working as a matchmaker at several local agencies, Avery decided to use her knowledge of human behavior to help more people by writing reviews on popular dating sites and apps. As someone who’s had success finding love through digital means herself, she understands that it can be intimidating when you first enter the world of online dating - but also exciting! Her goal is to make sure everyone feels comfortable navigating these platforms so they can find meaningful connections without fear or anxiety holding them back. In addition to providing helpful advice about various services available out there, Avery also writes articles about topics related to modern romance such as “The Pros & Cons Of Online Dating” or “Tips For Crafting The Perfect Profile Picture” – all designed with one purpose: To give readers the tools they need for successful experiences while searching for their perfect partner(s). When not busy reviewing different sites/apps or writing articles about romantic relationships in general; Avery enjoys reading books (especially those written by Jane Austen), taking long walks outdoors near bodies of water like lakes/rivers/oceans etc., baking delicious treats like pies & cakes…and watching classic movies from time-to-time too!

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