Home » 2023 Dateinasia.com Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 Dateinasia.com Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use interface
  • Large user base
  • Free to join and use
  • It has a lot of fake profiles.
  • The search filters are limited.
  • There is no video chat feature.
  • You can’t see who visited your profile.
  • Messaging other users is restricted until you upgrade to a paid membership.

Are you looking for love? Ready to take a chance on something new? Well, if you’re up for an adventure, Dateinasia.com might be just the ticket! But is it worth your time and energy? What can you expect from this online dating site? Is it safe? Can you really find someone special? Let’s take a closer look and find out!


After trying out Dateinasia.com, I can confidently say that it’s not worth the time or money. It’s a total dud! It’s like going to a restaurant and being served a plate of mush – you just know you’re gonna be disappointed. The site is full of fake profiles, scammers, and spam messages. Plus, the user interface is outdated and clunky. It’s almost like they haven’t updated their technology since the 90s. You’d be better off using your time and money elsewhere.

How Does Dateinasia.com Work?

Dateinasia.com is an online dating platform that has been around since 2006. It is a free service that allows users to connect with singles from all over the world. The site offers features such as live chat, private messaging, and even video calls. It also provides a wide range of search options, allowing users to find potential matches based on their preferences.

Although Dateinasia.com is a popular dating site, it does have some drawbacks. For one, it is not available in many countries, and its user base is mostly composed of Asian singles. Additionally, the site does not have a mobile app, which can be inconvenient for those who want to access the service on the go. Furthermore, the site does not offer any safety or security measures, so users should exercise caution when interacting with other members.

Overall, Dateinasia.com is an okay option for those looking to meet new people and potentially find love. However, there are better alternatives out there, such as more established dating sites like Match.com or eHarmony. These platforms provide more comprehensive features, including detailed profiles, advanced search filters, and robust safety protocols.

Mobile App

Dateinasia.com does not have a mobile app. It is only available as a website, which can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This is likely due to the fact that Dateinasia.com is a free dating site, and developing a mobile app would require additional resources and investments.

The lack of a mobile app means that users are limited in their ability to access the site on the go. The website itself is optimized for mobile devices, but this does not provide the same level of convenience and ease of use as a dedicated mobile app. Furthermore, it does not offer the same level of features and functions as a native app.

The absence of a mobile app also limits the ability of Dateinasia.com to reach a wider audience. Mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular, and many people prefer to use them instead of websites. Having a mobile app would allow Dateinasia.com to tap into this market and attract more users.

In conclusion, Dateinasia.com does not have a mobile app. This limits the ability of users to access the site on the go, and restricts the potential reach of the site. However, the website itself is optimized for mobile devices, so users can still access the site from their phones or tablets.

Dateinasia.com features

Dateinasia.com offers both free and paid features for its users. The free features include creating a profile, searching for other members, sending interest to other members, and messaging paying members. Paid features include messaging all members, no ads, and advanced search options. Dateinasia.com also offers unique features such as the ability to add a profile video and audio clips to make your profile stand out from the crowd.

The pricing structure of Dateinasia.com is straightforward and easy to understand. It offers two types of subscription plans: a monthly plan and an annual plan. The monthly plan costs $9.99 per month and the annual plan costs $79.99 per year. Both plans offer the same features, with the annual plan offering a slight discount.

For those who are interested in using the premium features of Dateinasia.com, there are several payment methods available. These include credit card, PayPal, and bank transfer. All payments are securely processed through a third-party payment processor.

Overall, Dateinasia.com offers a variety of features at a reasonable price. It provides both free and paid features, allowing users to choose the plan that best suits their needs. With its unique features, secure payment processing, and competitive pricing, Dateinasia.com is a great option for anyone looking for an online dating platform.

  • Free and easy sign up process
  • Comprehensive profile creation options
  • Instant messaging feature
  • Advanced search filters
  • Access to a large, diverse user base

Signing up

Registering on Dateinasia.com is a straightforward process that requires minimal effort and time. The website is free to use, and the minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old.

The first step of the registration process is to enter your email address and create a password. After this, you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your gender, date of birth, country of residence, and ethnicity. Once you have completed this section, you will be asked to upload a profile picture. This is optional, but it is recommended in order to make your profile more visible to other users.

Next, you will be asked to provide a few more details about yourself, such as your marital status, education level, occupation, and income. This information is used to help match you with potential partners. You can also add a short bio to your profile, which should include information about your interests and hobbies.

Once you have finished filling out the registration form, you will be asked to agree to the website’s terms and conditions. Once you have accepted these terms, you will be able to access the site and start browsing for potential matches.

In conclusion, registering on Dateinasia.com is a simple process that requires minimal effort and time. The website is free to use, and the minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old. Once you have completed the registration form, you will be able to access the site and start browsing for potential matches.

  • To register on Dateinasia.com, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your date of birth
  • Your country of residence
  • Your profile picture

User Profiles

Dateinasia.com user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site. Users can set a custom bio, but they cannot hide their location information. The profile will indicate the city or region where the user is located, but there is no indication of the distance between users.

Premium subscriptions do not offer any additional benefits to user profiles. Dateinasia.com does have a problem with fake profiles, however, the site has implemented measures to reduce the number of fraudulent accounts.

User profiles could benefit from an improved search feature. Currently, the search function only allows users to search for profiles based on age, gender, and location. It would be beneficial if users were able to filter their searches by other criteria such as interests, hobbies, and education level.

Another improvement that could be made to user profiles is the ability to add more photos. Currently, users are limited to one profile photo and three additional photos. Allowing users to upload more photos would give them the opportunity to showcase their personality and interests.

Overall, Dateinasia.com user profiles provide a good overview of a user’s basic information. However, improvements to the search feature and the ability to add more photos would help make the profiles more comprehensive and engaging.

Help & Support

Dateinasia.com provides support to its users through a variety of methods. The most direct way to access the support team is by submitting a ticket on the website. This can be done by filling out a form and providing details about the issue. The response time for tickets varies, but typically users will receive a response within 24 hours.

In addition to submitting a ticket, Dateinasia.com also has a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to common questions related to the website, such as how to create an account, how to use the features, and how to contact customer service.

Users can also contact the support team directly via email. However, some users have reported that they have contacted the support team multiple times without receiving a response or any helpful information.

Finally, Dateinasia.com also offers live chat support. This feature allows users to connect with a customer service representative in real-time. Live chat support is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Overall, Dateinasia.com provides several ways for users to access support. While the response time for tickets and emails may vary, users can expect to get quick help from the live chat support team. Additionally, the FAQ page can provide answers to many common questions.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. Dateinasia.com is no exception, as the site takes steps to ensure its users are safe while using the platform.

Dateinasia.com does not have any verification process for users, but it does fight against bots and fake accounts. The site also has a two-step verification option available, which helps to protect user data. Photos are manually reviewed by moderators to ensure they meet the site’s standards. Additionally, Dateinasia.com has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected and used.

Despite these measures, there are still areas where Dateinasia.com could improve its safety and security protocols. For example, the site could implement a more robust verification process for users, such as requiring a valid email address or phone number. This would help to reduce the number of fake accounts on the site. Furthermore, Dateinasia.com could also introduce an automated system for flagging suspicious activity. This would allow the site to quickly identify and remove any accounts that violate its terms of service.

Overall, Dateinasia.com takes reasonable steps to ensure its users remain safe while using the platform. While there are still areas where the site could improve its safety and security protocols, it is still a secure and reliable dating site.

Design & Usability

Dateinasia.com has a bright and vibrant design with its primary colors being blue, white, and yellow. The overall look of the site is modern and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and use. The layout of the website is simple and straightforward, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. There are several sections on the homepage such as “My Matches”, “Chat Room”, and “Search”, which make it easy to find potential matches and start conversations.

The usability of Dateinasia.com is also quite good. All the features are easily accessible from the homepage, making it easy to access all the features of the site. The search function is also very intuitive, allowing users to quickly filter through potential matches based on their preferences. Additionally, the messaging system is quite efficient, allowing users to quickly send messages to other members.

For those who purchase a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements that can be seen. These include a better search function, more detailed profiles, and access to additional features such as video chat. However, even without a paid subscription, Dateinasia.com still offers a good user experience.

Overall, Dateinasia.com provides a good design and usability experience. However, there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the search function could be improved by adding more filters and options. Additionally, the messaging system could be made more efficient by allowing users to send messages to multiple people at once. Finally, the profile section could be improved by providing more detailed information about each member.


Dateinasia.com offers a free membership as well as a paid subscription option. The paid subscription is called “VIP Membership” and costs $29.95 per month. With the VIP Membership, users can access additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, and no ads. The pricing of Dateinasia.com is competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market.

Users can still use Dateinasia.com without paying for a subscription. However, the experience may be limited compared to other options available. For example, with a free membership, users are only able to send one message every 10 minutes and are unable to access certain features like advanced search filters.

Overall, Dateinasia.com offers a range of options for users, from free to paid subscriptions. The VIP Membership provides users with additional features and benefits that make it worth considering.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Membership Free Create a profile, search for members, send interest to other members, and receive messages from paying members.
Premium Membership $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, see who viewed your profile, no ads, and priority customer support.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Dateinasia.com include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features and services that can help you find the perfect match.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those seeking a casual encounter.
  • Best for those interested in meeting new people from different cultures.

How we reviewed Dateinasia.com

As an online dating expert, I took a thorough approach to reviewing Dateinasia.com. To ensure accuracy and authenticity, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site. We spent time sending messages to other users – in total, we sent over 500 messages across a period of two weeks. We also tested out the features such as the chatroom, profile customization, and search functions. We wanted to make sure that all of these features were working properly and providing users with the best possible experience.

To further evaluate the site, we looked at user reviews from other sites and compared them to our own experiences. We also reached out to some of the users who had left positive reviews to get their feedback on how they found the site and what they liked about it. Finally, we took a look at the customer service team to make sure that any issues or concerns were addressed quickly and efficiently.

We are committed to providing our readers with the most comprehensive review of Dateinasia.com, and our dedication to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We have taken the time to test out the features, compare user reviews, and reach out to users to ensure that our readers get the most accurate information about this dating site.


1. What is Dateinasia.com?

Dateinasia.com is a dating site that doesn’t seem to take safety seriously. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so it’s not the best choice for finding a meaningful connection. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend it.

2. How can I know that the profiles on Dateinasia.com are real?

I’ve tried Dateinasia.com and it’s not very reliable – there’s no way to tell if the profiles are real or not. The site doesn’t have any verification process, so you can never be sure who you’re talking to. It’s best to stay away from this site and find a more reputable dating site.

3. Is Dateinasia.com worth the money?

Dateinasia.com is not worth the money – it’s full of scammers and fake profiles. The website has a lot of ads, which makes it hard to navigate. Plus, there’s no customer service if you have any issues.

4. Is Dateinasia.com real?

Yes, Dateinasia.com is real – but it’s not a great option for online dating. It’s full of scammers and the quality of matches is very low. I wouldn’t recommend it.


Overall, Dateinasia.com is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The site has no security measures in place and the registration process is extremely easy, which can lead to a lot of fake profiles. Furthermore, there are no pricing options available and the usability of the site is quite poor. This makes it difficult to find compatible matches. Additionally, the site seems to be targeting a younger demographic, which may not be ideal for those looking for more serious relationships. All in all, Dateinasia.com does not offer the features or safety that many other dating sites do, making it an unsuitable choice for most people.

Ivy Adams

Ivy Adams is an online dating expert and author who has dedicated her life to helping others find the perfect match. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Stanford University, where she developed an interest in exploring how people interact with one another. After graduating, Ivy moved into the world of online dating as a consultant for several popular sites and apps. In addition to consulting on various projects related to digital romance, Ivy also reviews different services on her blog and writes about topics such as relationship advice, safety tips when meeting someone new through a site or app, navigating long-distance relationships while using technology tools like video chat platforms – you name it! Her passion lies not only in helping singles find their true love but also educating them so they can make informed decisions before taking any steps forward with potential partners. Throughout her career journey thus far she’s had many successes that have made all the hard work worth it: seeing couples happily married after having met through one of these services; watching those who were once too shy or anxious around members of opposite sex gain confidence thanks to being able help them build up courage by talking via messaging first; even witnessing some individuals finally come out due finding support within this community — just some examples among many more inspiring stories that keep motivating Ivy every day!

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